I recently had the wonderful experience of working with a young nurse who immigrated here from another country who is preparing to take a standardized exam to enter a nursing program here in the States. I've had quite a lot experience teaching standardized test taking and I always enjoy it because of the analytical processes involved. In this case the young woman is very motivated, smart and hardworking. The perfect student!
After 2 hours of intense study with her, I was tired, but also joyful. This volunteer experience perfectly suits my interests, education, and experience. And though it has nothing to do with being a visual artist, it makes me realize, once again, how central teaching is to my sense of self. I am beginning to think about what I know about non- traditional pastels that I might share that with others. I think this will become a focus for me in the coming months. I wonder if anyone would be interested in this topic?
In the meantime I have several more weeks of teaching with my young student. Bring on the JOY!
"Oh, Happy Day!" copyright Honey Lea Gaydos 2016