I am going back to school...well..sort of. I am taking an online course about how to sell art online. I have homework! It's hard. It requires learning new skills and mastering new content. I find myself very much in sympathy with the mass of school kids facing a new year. And yet, it's exciting to be learning new things and connecting with a whole new group of people with similar interests and learning needs. In a recent Facebook discussion for our "class", we pondered whether or not our ideal client could or would include people over 60. I found I am a deviant subset of the over 60 group. While I love the idea of being a deviant subset, I noticed that all the research "out there" about who buys online carefully delineates Millenials from Gen Xers and so on, but lumps everyone over 60 (or sometimes 65) into one group. Really? There are at least 2 generations over 60 still living. We are not alike. There are probably more differences in the baby boomers and those born before WW II than there are between those born before the Moon Walk and those born during the Reagan years. Let's have some more targeted research please!